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Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Hello Sunshine!!

smiley courtesy of www.sl-designs.com

Woke up this morning with sunshine on my face, sengih sampai ke telinga! Why? I had quite a bad day earlier on. Not one day but a couple of days. Asik nangis je. Memang sedih betul!! But I'm fine now. Dah settle. Borak ngan hubby semalam, 2 jam tu puas le citer macam2. Hilang rindu dapat tgk muka dia. Come to think of it, aku rasa aku ni overacting kot, ala2 kak Ogy. Suka pikir nonsense. I don't know whether it was just me or the weather or the imbalance hormone? Hmmm, I think it was hormone ...or weather. Tak mau ngaku silap sendiri. Kihkihkih. Ok, ok it was my fault...and partly his. But I got to confide in here, aku ni cepat kecik ati dgn my other half tu. Love him so so much sebab dia sangat memahami (semua org sayang suami,kan?). So bila dia kadang2 buat tak paham, gua mula laa...

AND yesterday was my birthday!! Many thanks to friends and family for all the well wishes. BIG THANKS to all. I'm not kinda girl (girl?uwekk!) whom throw big party for birthday. Wasattiah gitu....kehkehkeh. Tapi kalu ader org nak belanja gua makan, no problemo punyer. Thanks to Maswa for the home-made choc cake and beriani daging. We spent quite long hours chit-chatting yesterday, dah malam baru sedar nak balik umah. We both bujang sekejap sementara hubby masing2 kat Msia. Tak lama lagi suami Maswa balik semula ke UK and then my hubby next!

I am a late-riser (really really bad habit) tapi hari ni bangun awal sbb takut terbabas. Didn't I tell u that I have to attend R course? Statistical course, for 3 weeks kat sini. So takleh lagi jadi burung hantu berjaga malam. Got to be a morning person bulan nih. So tema bulan ni : Tido awal, bangun awal!! And on my way to the lecture theathre, dapat sms best! Lagi le semangat!!

Yeayyy I feel so good about myself, 'bout my whole life. Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat yang diberikanNya. I'm so thankful for that. Alhamdulillah. Mentari bersinar kembali dalam hidupku...yahooooo!!! Gonna put aside melancholic CDs for now....



iina said...

As.. mintalah hubby poskan buku 'jangan bersedih' yang akak terima tu.. insyallah dapat kuatkan semangat kita.. ask him to write something nice for you ;)

Happy birthday again.. Insyallah.. setiap kita ada dugaan dan cabarannya.. Yang pasti sentiasa ingat 'Allah sentiasa bersama orang-orang yang sabar' ;)

iina said...

Sila lah jawab tag ye ;)

Asmida Ismail said...

k iina,

nanti nak suruh hubby carik la.
mesti best baca buku2 camni. esp bila kita ni fragile, dok tpt org, studi, anak etc.

atie said...

happy birthday as


Salam As...

Birthday awak ke? Laa... masa kita tepon tu birthday ke...tak tau...ni hari baru buka blog... Selamat hari Ulangtahun...yang keberapa itu he he he???

Semoga dipermudahkan segala perjalanan kehidupan As dan berkesudahan yang baik-baik semuanya serta indah.

Happy Belated Birthday

De' Sal said...

As..happy birthday,semoga bahagia selalu.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday.
JAngan sedih2 Kak Long....hidup mesti tabah.

Pandang muka Aliya mesti x jadi sedih kan. Anak penguat semangat tuk teruskan hidup dan perjuangan.

Take care tau. Kesihatan mesti dijaga. Kalu x..kesian Aliya.

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