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Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Snow in Our Backyard Garden!

The snow started falling down from the grey sky around 10pm on Thursday night. Kami pun apalagi, grabbed the snow gears (konon!) and headed straight towards the garden......time for a snowball fight!!

Alia is all glowing in the snow

A scribble on the car rear windscreen

Snows on the 1st night

JLo tengah sibuk menggodek kamera dalam salji tebal, malam2 buta....

Posing depan rumah....look at my car at the background....covered in snow, you can hardly see anything inside the car.

JLo telah bertukar menjadi makcik cleaner...mencuci saki-baki snow atas keta.

Depan umah jiran....malam2 buta konon nak capture the very merry Christmas lighting tapi gambar tak menjadi.

Windsor Great Park

Anak2 Mat Salleh main sledging

White all around

The frozen lake.....

Alia tak mau turun dari pushchair....sejukkkkkk.....

Alia kena paksa bergambar...that's why dia muka masam!

A special pose for my fans out there (uwekkk...muntah sekali, kihkih)

Sekian laporan cuaca dari Egham, Surrey untuk tahun ini........
There are a few days left before the new year. Will keep you guys updated for any special occasion/event in the near future. See you soon......



3yearshousewife said...

Bestnyer boleh merayap gi park waktu snow nih. Budak2 ni susahnya lah nak suruh kuar rumah tangkap gambar pun tak nak. Sejuk...Keciwa mak dia...

Anonymous said...

saya menumpang nak tgk gmbr..boleh kita bertukar link?

Asmida Ismail said...

k as,
alia tu pun kena paksa bergambar...kalau tak, dia tak mau kuar keta pun, hahaha.

selamat berkenalan. nak tukar link? boleh.....no problemo.

::Umiliya6677:: said...

salam kenalan...ermmm best nyer tenggok gambar2 ni...menarik sesangat...sama je nama anak kite ya heheh,,,jom lah jengguk blog saya heheh

Anonymous said...

salam..thanks for droping ur comment..
mesti "akak" ni..
akak study pe kt england?
lg satu, thames ditton dkt x ngn tmpt akak kt surrey ni??

Asmida Ismail said...

Thames Ditton dlm 30 min dr sini. Ada apa yg spesel kat sana?

Anonymous said...

ouh..huhu ada kawan duk kat sna..thames ditton tu mcm high class skit eh tmpt die??

atie said...

Bestnya main salji as...

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